SWISS PRO DATA combines data analysis, behavioral sciences, and innovative tech into Sales 4.0 with an exclusive focus on the B2B and Industrial world.
Sales 4.0
Data-Driven intelligence specialized in Industrial Companies.
"...helping sales units to reach exceptionally high success rates in customer acquisition, passing from wasting time, energy and money on cold-calls to a data-driven, real-time and warm one-on-one approach..."
The events that occurred in the most recent period have accelerated the relationship between data and sales. In the past, new customer acquisition relied on on large or small exhibitions. Today, this approach has been significantly challenged. At the same time, technologies have radically and irreversibly evolved, and “Sales” is not defined the same way it has been in the past (at least not a big part of it).
SWISS PRO DATA has developed a unique data-management process for B2B companies, helping sales units to reach exceptionally high success rates in customer acquisition, passing from wasting time, energy, and money in cold-calls into data-driven, real-time and warm approach.

”"...The art of sales is undergoing a deep transformation due to digitalization of our industries. To use digital intelligence and big data have become an indispensable strategy and will continue to be staples in salespeople's lives to become Sales 4.0..."
Ernest DronBusiness expert

The members of the SWISS PRO DATA team are specialists in Data-Driven Sales for B2B companies. The team uses data analytics and behavioral science to understand every individual within your audience actively searching for your products or services. The accuracy of the fourth dimension helps sales units connect with these potential customers on a warm, effective, and personal level.
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Our Sales 4.0 system combines data analysis, behavioral sciences, and innovative tech into one effective approach. Traditional companies should be following industry-leading examples to stay competitive and reinvent themselves. Sales 4.0 allows industrial companies to innovate, evolve their business models, and build a continuous system of real-time market research.